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French cathedral on the Gendarmenmarkt

French cathedral on the Gendarmenmarkt

on the Gendarmenmarkt, is one of the most important sights in Berlin. The attached church was first built between 1701 and 1705 for Reformed religious refugees from France, the Huguenots. The domed tower, which was added to the French church between 1780 and 1785, had no ecclesiastical function despite its name, but was built under Frederick II for the purpose of splendor.

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Often, both buildings are commonly referred to as the French Cathedral. On May 7, 1944, the cathedral was destroyed, and rebuilt between 1981 and 1987. Today it houses an impressive carillon with 60 bells and a Huguenot museum showing the history and life of French immigrants. A highlight of the French Cathedral is the viewing platform, which is open to the public for a small entrance fee and offers a great panoramic view over Berlin.


Address: Gendarmenmarkt 5, 10117 Berlin
Opening Hours: April: 10am to 6pm May to October: 10am to 7pm
Admission: 5,50 Euro, reduced 4,50 Euro
Connection: U Bahn Stadtmitte (U2 + U6), Hausvogteiplatz (U2), Bus: N6 (U Stadtmitte)



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