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Open Air Exhibition: Revolution and Fall of the Berlin Wall

The 'Revolution and Fall of the Berlin Wall' Open Air Exhibition

Central to the narrative are the personal stories of those courageous individuals who defied a dictatorship, fought tirelessly for liberty and democracy, and dramatically transformed their lives in the process.

The exhibition boasts an extensive collection of photographs, historical documents, and films that capture the seismic shift in East Germany's societal landscape. It also showcases poignant moments from the triumphant revolution that reshaped the country's destiny. To cater to international audiences, the permanent exhibition is bilingual (English/German) and provides an audio guide, which enhances the visitor experience in this immersive multimedia presentation.

The display is housed in the district of Berlin Lichtenberg, within the premises of the Stasi Museum – the former headquarters of the GDR Secret Service. In its heyday, this intimidating edifice served as the workplace for about 7,000 Stasi members, with the notorious Stasi Minister Erich Mielke presiding here from 1962 to 1989.

Admission is free, reinforcing the society's commitment to making this vital piece of history accessible to all who wish to understand the magnitude of these historic events and their profound impact on the world.

Free admission!


Picture: Ausstellung im Frühsommer 2016, Quelle: Robert-Havemann-Gesellschaft/Sergej Horovitz

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Address, opening hours…


Address: Stasi Museum (outdoor areas/Courtyard), Ruschestraße 103, 10365 Berlin


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