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Silent-Film-Concert Festival in the Passionskirche Berlin

Silent-Film-Concert Festival in the Passionskirche Berlin from 10. January until 10. March 2018

His approach is unique and he inspires people on five continents with his concerts. Now it's time for a festival in Berlin. Under the motto "20 Years - 20 Concerts" a program awaits you that reflects the special time of the silent film. Count Bothmer has so far added a sountrack to over 950 films. He has selected his favorite programs for this festiva. The Passion Church is a special place for this concert series.

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Date, Adress & Tickets

Where: Passion Church, Marheinekeplatz 1, 10961 Berlin
When: 10/01 until 10/03/2018

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Sights, tours and tickets ... on Tripadvisor.

Brandenburg Gate, Reichstag Building, Pergamon Museum and many other landmarks & sights make a visit to Berlin unique.

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Bild: Birgit Meixner