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Top 10 Berlin Sights

The Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin. The big glowing image shows an American or a Soviet soldier, depending on which side you are standing.
The Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin. The big glowing image shows an American or a Soviet soldier, depending on which side you are standing.

Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin

One of three border crossings controlled by the Americans was the Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin.

It was the most famous border crossing in Berlin which was used only by foreigners, diplomats and members of the Allied forces. The border crossing gained its fame shortly after the wall was built in 1961.

Checkpoint Charlie experience

Restaurant, snack bar, café, museum, hotel, handicapped accessible

Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin

Location & Sights nearby

Checkpoint Charlie is located in the Berlin Mitte district, just around the corner of Friedrichstraße.
In the immediate vicinity you will find the Mauermuseum - Haus am Checkpoint Charlie. It documents the history and events of the Berlin Wall, escapes and the worldwide non-violent struggle for human rights. A few steps away you can visit the Panorama Asisi, BlackBox Cold War and the Trabi Museum.
Many cafés invite you for coffee. Potsdamer Platz, the Currywurst Museum and the Museum of Communication are also within walking distance.

Video with subtitles Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin

Der Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin


Brief history Checkpoint Charlie

It almost came to a third world war here. American and Soviet tanks with live ammunition took up position after US forces were asked to identify themselves as they passed the checkpoint. Today Checkpoint Charlie one of the most famous sights of Berlin.
The original turnpikes and watchtowers had to give way to new replicas but they were modeled after the original ones including the check-in barracks, flag and sandbags. The checkpoint is becomes authentic especially by the two guards who like to be photographed for a small fee. Checkpoint Charlie is not only the scene of the Cold War, but also a witness to numerous escape attempts from East Berlin. The "Haus am Checkpoint Charlie" and the Wall Museum are located nearby. It documents the history and events of the Berlin Wall, escapes and the worldwide struggle for human rights.
Checkpoint Charlie is an important piece of German history and a must-see on your visit to Berlin. There are only a few places that can provide such an emotionally charged atmosphere and at the same time be so oppressively real.

Checkpoint Charlie is one of Berlin's top 10 attractions.

Photo Gallery

Checkpoint Charlie

Adress: Friedrichstraße 43-45, 10117 Berlin
Connection: U-Kochstraße/Checkpoint Charlie: U6, U Stadtmitte/Leipziger Straße: U6 Bus: U Stadtmitte/Leipziger Straße: 347



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Your visit to Berlin with the best tours and tickets.


Find out about Berlin's past on this bike tour. Follow traces left in the capital by the Berlin Wall, such as watchtowers and border crossings.

Listen to stories of tragic and successful escape attempts.
The tour takes you to Mauerpark via the Bernauer Strasse Memorial to the Brandenburg Gate. Learn more about the former border crossings Checkpoint Charlie and Bornholmer Straße. Experience a tour about the history of the Wall in Berlin.


Take a walking tour of the Berlin Wall.

Starting from Bornholmer Straße, a place steeped in history it was here that the first Berliners from East and West met and rejoiced together on the day the wall fell and the unified German nation was reborn. Walking along the former death strip, you will see traces of the wall, sometimes only detectable by experts. Discover how these traces are being documented and learn the strange history of the cherry trees that grew the length of the wall.


Experience history to touch at the GDR Museum in Berlin.

Tauchen Sie ein in die Vergangenheit und erfahren Sie mehr über die Geschichte der DDR. Wie war das Leben in der DDR? Setzen Sie sich in ein Wohnzimmer aus der damaligen Zeit, schalten Sie den Fernseher an, stöbern Sie in Schubladen und Schränken. Zündschlüssel umdrehen und los geht’s mit dem Trabi durch die Plattenbausiedlung bei einer simulierten Fahrt. Nehmen Sie in einem originalen Kinosessel Platz und schauen Sie Reportagen. Ein unvergesslicher Besuch im DDR Museum in Berlin


Experience a Berlin that no longer exists at THE WALL assis Panoram Berlin.

Visit the Panorama, an artistic representation of life in the shadow of the Berlin Wall. Experience Kreuzberg on a fictitious autumn day in the 1980s.
See the so-called death strips and border towers. On the visitor platform you can learn how banal and how cruel life was in the shadow of the wall.



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