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Green is in! - The avocado in Berlin Mitte

Green is in! - The avocado in Berlin Mitte

"The Avocado". In the middle of Berlin, right next to the Spree river, with an idyllic view of the Bode Museum, you can try the best this green fruit has to offer. As the name implies, this restaurant specializes in the preparation of this one ingredient; almost all dishes on the menu include avocados in some way. There are numerous salads, sandwiches, "Avokuchen", or avocado pancakes with berries and maple syrup. The avocado gives the dough a very creamy and full flavor. Doesn't this sound heavenly? It also highly recommended for vegans and vegetarians, and generally for people who need a vitamin-boost to get through the winter. So get on your way quickly, because the "Petit Bijou" tends to redesign their menu. It could be called "The Coconut" next month ...

Where: Monbijoustraße 2, 10117 Berlin