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Weekend of the 19th of August to 21st of August in Berlin

Weekend of the 19th of August to 21st of August, 2016 in Berlin

It’s going to be colourful, loud, groovy, entertaining, informative, fun, singing, chilling in Berlin this weekend. These are our tips: The Kranich (grue) lifts one wing, then lifts the other and rises with wide-spread wings from the 18th of August high above the rooftops of Berlin and lands gracefully at  That’s where the Oriental Festival straight out of Arabian Nights takes place.

Address: Klunkerkranich on the rooftop of Neukölln Arcaden

Use the entrance by the library/post office and take an elevator up to the 5th floor, carry on skywards to our top deck and: you’re there! 

On the 20th of August you can fully indulge in the art of cinema.

Address: Laskerstr. 5 (Markgrafendamm) / 10245 Berlin-Friedrichshain (S-Bahn stop Ostkreuz)
Entrance Fee: 12€ / red. 8€

Let’s swing! „Swing by the Riverside“ is happening on the 21st of August under blue skies (the weather forecast promised!). Look forward to a great swing afternoon, chilling in a deck chair with a piece of delicious cake in your hand on the sun deck of RADIALSYSTEM V!

Opens: 21st of August / 4pm / classes for beginners starting at 3pm
Address: Radialsystem V, Holzmarkstr. 33, 10243 Berlin
Entrance Fee: 5€

We’ve got a very special highlight in store for all fans of classical music. Klassitage 2016. At the Bode-Museum on the Museum Island on the 19th and 20th of August, starting at 4pm each day, you will get the chance to attend concerts. Before it starts you should definitely visit the Bode Museum which, by the way, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
19th of August: Mozart Piano Concert (1) arranged by (1778-1837)
20th of August: Mozart Piano Quartets

Starts: 19th and 20th of August / 4pm on both days 
Address: Bode Museum, Monbijoustraße 3, 10117 Berlin