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The artist fair "Art ...ESSENZ" will transform the Sony Center am Potsdamer Platz into a very special art gallery again!

ART...ESSENZ 2019 - Art Gallery in the Sony Center am Potsdamer Platz - from 23. - 25.08.2019

The talented artists* will be offered exhibition opportunities and visitors a wide range of fine art.

The well-known Berlin open-air art fair ART...ESSENZ with over 3,000 works of art will once again present itself to all art lovers in a relaxed, airy and urban atmosphere.

Of course, all participating national and international artists* will again be on site and will sell their works of art under the impressive roof of the Sony Center.

The ART...ESSENZ offers the opportunity to create your own works of art under professional guidance in art courses.

Fri, 23.8.
18:30 o'clock
"Live Tubepainting" with shashlik skewer & acrylic press gun with Jakob Reh
Fri, 23.8.
19 o'clock
"just enjoy" - painting with Tonia Alvarez
Sat, 24.8.
17 o'clock
"forever young" - special portraits with Michael Auth
Sat, 24.8.
19 o'clock
"your own frame" - Create your own artwork with Wolfgang Leonhardt
So, 25.8.
15 o'clock
"Imagine you are super..." - Design your personal gravure plate with Anna cheese
So, 25.8.
17 o'clock
"for daily use" - Draw your everyday objects with Heike Munser"

Every day at 18.00 there will be a guided tour through the fair, where you can learn more about the artists themselves and thus gain an interesting impression.
All works of art are unique, limited editions, series or multiples in different formats and sizes.
The artistic spectrum is diverse: Lydia Oermann presents luminous screen-printed objects or the photo artist Christof Wegner shows large-format fine art prints with reduced city silhouettes.

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Address, opening hours ...

When: 23 - 25.08.2019, FR & SA 14.00 - 22.00 o'clock, SO 12.00 - 20.00 o'clock
Where: Sony Center am Potsdamer Platz
Admission: free

  Official Webpage!

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Kunstmesse ARTESSENZ 20191


Kunstmesse ARTESSENZ 20192

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Sights, tours and tickets ... on Tripadvisor.

Brandenburg Gate, Reichstag Building, Pergamon Museum and many other landmarks & sights make a visit to Berlin unique.

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Our Berlin tip:

Visit the Reichstag and enjoy a beautiful view of Berlin from the famed glass dome. Enjoy the Dachgarten Käfer restaurant in the Reichstag coffee + cake.
More information can be found HERE.

Reichstag mit Kaffee trinken

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