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Six Day Berlin

Six Day from 24 to 29 January 2019 in Berlin

This event is something special for all cycling enthusiasts. This sporting highlight is rounded off with bands and performers. Sunday is traditionally the family day. There is a lot to discover. Be it a fairytale carousel or children's make-up and for the brave a children's bungee trampoline. Thus it becomes an event for young and old.


source: Von Nicola, CC BY-SA 3.0,

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Date, Address

When: 24.-29.01.2018
Where: Velodrom, Paul-Heyse-Straße 26, 10407 Berlin, Germany

[button color="#ffffff" background="#000000" size="6" icon="icon:euro"]From € 21[/button] [button url="" target="blank" background="#B14DFC" background_hover="#FF73E0" size="6" icon="icon: thumbs-up"]book here[/button] 

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Sights, tours and tickets ... on Tripadvisor.

Reichstag Building, Memorial of the Berlin Wall, Topography of Terror and many other landmarks & sights make a visit to Berlin unique.

[button url="" color="#ffffff" background="#3CAA35" background_hover="#8ABF41" size="6" icon="icon: external-link"]Trip Advisor[/button]

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Berlin Tickets & Touren


With this ticket, you walk past the queue at the panoramic point.

Skip the line to Panoramapunkt and admire the best views of Berlin and the TV Tower from a height of 100 meters. Ride the fastest elevator in Europe to the 24th floor. Enjoy Panoramacafé and an open-air exhibit on the history of Potsdamer Platz.

[button color="#ffffff" background="#000000" background_hover="#000000" size="6" icon="icon: "] from € 7,50 [/button] [button url="" target="blank" background="#B14DFC" background_hover="#FF73E0" size="6" icon="icon: thumbs-up"]to offer[/button] 


[photo_gallery source="media: images/artikelgalerien/PanoramaPunkt/Eingang_zum_Panoramapunkt.jpg,images/artikelgalerien/PanoramaPunkt/Ausstellung_im_Panoramapunkt.jpg,images/artikelgalerien/PanoramaPunkt/Berlin_von_oben_auf_das_Dach_vom_Sony_Center.jpg,images/artikelgalerien/PanoramaPunkt/Berlin_von_oben_vom_Panoramapunkt_Berlin.jpg" medium="4"]

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Explore the public areas of the Berlin Olympic Stadium and the Olympic Park.

The Olympiastadion is the home of Hertha BSC. If you enter the stadium, you can see the blue tartan track.  Follow the trail of German sports and architectural history. The tour begins with a documentary about this monumental structure and its historical significance for sport. You can also rent a mulimediaguide.

[button color="#ffffff" background="#000000" background_hover="#000000" size="6" icon="icon: "] from € 8 [/button] [button url="" target="blank" background="#B14DFC" background_hover="#FF73E0" size="6" icon="icon: thumbs-up"]to offer[/button] 


[photo_gallery source="media: images/artikelgalerien/OlymiaStadionBerlin/Olympiastadion_in_Berlin.jpg,images/artikelgalerien/OlymiaStadionBerlin/Innenraum_Olympiastadion_in_Berlin.jpg,images/artikelgalerien/OlymiaStadionBerlin/Glocke_im_Olympiastadion_Berlin.jpg,images/artikelgalerien/OlymiaStadionBerlin/Blick_Olympiastadion_Berlin.jpg" medium="4"]

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