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An interesting way to understand art - Visions Alive

An interesting way to understand art - Visions Alive until 30. June 2018

"From Monet to Kandinsky - Visions Alive". At the Alte Münze, the works of the sixteen most important classical modernist artists are presented in a unique combination of projection, animation and music on 1000 square meters. In total, about 1,500 works from more than 20 museums around the world were digitally processed for the exhibition. With the help of these digital techniques, the images of each master, including those by Van Gogh, Monet, Klimt and Rousseau are brought to life on 7-meter-high surfaces in the rhythm of the accompanying music. The endless loop of around 60 minutes represents an independent work of art. You can either make yourself comfortable on the bean bags or chairs and dive into the respective world of the artist. In addition, you can immerse yourself in the context of the works in an information room. Visions Alive is an all-round successful insight into the past history of art, and in connection with animation and music a whole new experience.

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Date, Address & Tickets

Where: Alte Münze, Molkenmarkt 2, 10179 Berlin
When: until June 30, 2018
Opening hours: Mon - Sun 10 to 20 o'clock

Visit the official Website!

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Sights, tours and tickets ... on Tripadvisor.

Reichstag Building, The Holocaust Memorial - Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, Memorial of the Berlin Wall and many other landmarks & sights make a visit to Berlin unique.

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Reichstag: drinking coffee in the Beetle roof garden restaurant

Enjoy the roof garden Käfer restaurant in the Reichstag coffee + cake. Visit the Reichstag and enjoy a beautiful view of Berlin from the famed glass dome. Enjoy the Dachgarten Käfer restaurant in the Reichstag coffee + cake.

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